Climate Change and Ocean Currents
26th July 2023
Have you ever wondered how our planet's climate is regulated, especially in Western Europe? The answer lies in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a critical system of ocean currents that plays a pivotal role in shaping regional climates. However, a recent study by the esteemed University of Copenhagen has uncovered distressing news - the AMOC is facing the risk of collapse.

What is the AMOC?
The AMOC is a network of ocean currents that act as climate regulators, facilitating the transfer of heat between the tropics and the northern reaches of the Atlantic region, which includes Western Europe. This process plays a crucial role in mixing the world's oceans, ensuring the distribution of heat and energy across the planet - it significantly influences the climate. For Europe, the AMOC is essential for maintaining a relatively mild climate.
The AMOC, operating efficiently since the last ice age, is driven by differences in temperature and salt content, which affects the water's density. Warm water flows north, cooling as it travels, and experiences evaporation. This leads to an increase in salt concentration. A low temperature and high salt content makes the water denser, causing it to sink deep into the ocean. The cold and dense water then gradually spreads southwards, remaining several kilometres below the surface. Eventually, it resurfaces through "upwelling," where it warms up, completing the circulation. Small wonder that the AMOC is often compared to a conveyor belt.
A Race Against Time: The Impending Collapse
The new study from the University of Copenhagen has projected a staggering 95% certainty that the AMOC could collapse sometime between 2025 and 2095. This ominous forecast indicates a potential catastrophe looming on the horizon, with 2057 emerging as the most likely year for this devastating event. Should the AMOC collapse, it could trigger far-reaching changes in global climate patterns, with significant implications for both Europe and tropical regions.
Contradicting the Prevailing Narrative
Surprisingly, the study's findings challenge the prevailing narrative put forth by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC had previously deemed an abrupt change as improbable during this century. However, the University of Copenhagen's research urges us to reconsider our assumptions and emphasizes the need for a proactive approach to address climate change.
Reading the Early Warning Signals
The researchers' predictions about the AMOC's potential collapse are rooted in early warning signals exhibited by unstable ocean currents. By analysing historical sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic from as far back as 1870, they have gained valuable insights into the behaviour of these critical currents.
Drawing Lessons from the Past
History holds valuable lessons for understanding the AMOC's vulnerability. The circulation system has experienced abrupt climate changes 25 times in ice age climates. These drastic shifts, known as Dansgaard-Oeschger events, led to extreme climate fluctuations within a decade, providing crucial context for the present-day climate challenges we face.
The research findings serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need to combat climate change. With the AMOC's collapse hanging over us, we must take immediate and robust action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Each of us plays a vital role in this endeavour, from individuals making sustainable lifestyle choices to collective efforts by governments and industries to prioritize environmental responsibility.
